Why should you take 10,000 steps a day and why is it so important?

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Physical condition reflects the current physiological state of the body. It is largely determined by genetics, but with proper exercise it can be improved. When you take 10,000 steps a day, you will see the effects of your work much faster.

What makes you think that 10,000 steps a day is adequate?

10,000 steps is about 5 kilometers. It has become established that people who sustain such activity are happy, healthy and slim! This particular value was popularized in the 1980s in Japan. At that time, the fashion of “walking for sport” was leading the world

To advertise their services, one company set a challenge of taking 10,000 steps a day. Over time, this value became encoded in people’s minds. Today, people who do not like physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle, nutritionists recommend this form of sport to begin with. It is affordable, and its performance does not pose difficulties

Sedentary lifestyle is a silent killer for our body. Taking less than 5,000 steps a day leads to weight gain and bone loss, resulting in a greater likelihood of osteoporosis. Moreover, lack of exercise weakens muscles, increases the risk of type II diabetes, which has other health consequences. Below is a classification that defines body activity by the number of steps taken per day

  • <5000 steps/day - sedentary lifestyle,
  • 5000-7499 steps/day – low activity lifestyle,
  • 7500 – 9999 steps/day – moderately active lifestyle,
  • >10000 steps/day – active lifestyle
  • >12500 steps/day – very active lifestyle

In practice it means that the more steps you take during the day, the better. Every, seemingly even the smallest, change in your physical activity results in positive effects.

The benefits of taking 10,000 steps a day

Scientists and nutritionists from around the world agree that taking more than 7,500 steps a day is already a good average and has a positive impact on your health and fitness. Below are the benefits of taking 10,000 steps a day

Slimmer figure

By recalculating energy expenditure, taking into account walking pace, age, weight and gender, it was estimated that taking 10,000 steps a day burns about 500 kcal. Even better results can be achieved by adding light exercise and a proper diet to your day. Remember to maintain proper posture while walking. Don’t hunch over or stare at the ground. Walking will not only allow you to burn off excess body fat, but will also have a positive effect on your entire figure.

Positive effects on the circulatory system

Walking improves blood circulation, helps lower blood pressure and balances glucose levels. As a result, walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. There was a scientific study that showed that in a group of seniors, this form of activity reduced the risk of coronary heart disease by about 82%. Walking an hour a day without a break has the greatest results

Increases resistance to stress

During a long walk, the body is oxygenated, blood pressure is equalized, and blood circulation is improved. This indirectly results in increased resistance to stress. Walking calms you down, and if done with pleasure – relieves emotional tension and significantly improves your mood. Prevents depression and other mental illnesses

Increases immunity

Physical activity outdoors increases immunity and reduces the risk of colds. Regular exposure to the outdoors increases resistance to viruses and bacteria. Moreover, by getting oxygenated, the body becomes strengthened and in case of any infection, it is better able to cope with it.

How to start taking 10,000 steps a day?

For any person who has not been exposed to physical activity, the hardest part is getting started. Once walking becomes a habit, maintaining regularity will not be a problem. How to start with the basics? At the beginning it’s good to go for walks 3-4 times a week. If you find it hard to motivate yourself, invest in a wristband counting your steps or install an application in your phone and always have it with you. In the first days pay attention to your activity, and the minimum goal you should set yourself is 7 500 steps. Stick to it precisely, even if it involves doing extra laps around the block. Over time, increase your pace, take more challenging routes, and control your breathing.

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