Proper stretching for twine, make even less limber girls, can do twine in 30 days. Check out how to do both women’s and men’s twine
With systematic exercises you can get to the full figure in up to a month! How fast you do it depends on the regularity and intensity of your exercises. If you want to do the twine in 30 days, you should perform stretching for twine every day. However, remember that biological factors such as tendon and joint susceptibility to stretching, body structure and collagen content also affect the results
Before you start preparing, be sure to take a look at our text: How to learn twine? Everything you need to know
The first step, no less important than the next, is a good warm-up. It prepares tendons and all muscle groups for intensive stretching. Without it, do not even begin to exercise to the twine. The more you put into it, the better results you will see. Your warm-up should take about 10-15 minutes
The exercises that will best prepare you for twine are:
After completing the warm-up, you can move on to the next step, which is stretching exercises for twine.
The most important part of learning twine is stretching, and the key to success is proper exercises. It is equally important not to do them by force, as this can end in injury, and such stretching for twine can do more harm than good. Rather, don’t perform pulsing either. It used to be a popular practice during stretching, but now it is increasingly heard that it increases the risk of injury. Better results will come from slow deepening
The most recommended exercises for twine are:
Perform the exercises 2 at a time, lasting 30 seconds in each
Women’s twine is the simplest form of twine. With regular and properly selected exercises, it is possible for almost everyone to perform
This position is performed by placing the pelvis on the floor and positioning the legs along the torso – one in front and one behind so that they form a single line. Even hip alignment and straightening of the knees and back are key in this figure
To perform women’s twine:
Men’s twine is a much more difficult position, which is why it is recommended to practice it only after mastering women’s twine. It also requires more work, but even the most ambitious may not be able to fully perform it. If the structure of the pelvis and hip joints limits their mobility, stretching exercises for twine will not suffice. In addition, the male version should not be performed in case of tendon or groin injuries.
In this position, the legs are spread 180 degrees across the torso. Such a wide straddle requires a significant stretch of all thigh muscle groups
The next steps you need to take when doing male twine are
Stretching to twine is not the easiest of physical activities. If YOU need more time, it doesn’t mean you’re any less athletic. Even if, following our tips, you don’t think you’ll be able to get to that point in 30 days, don’t fret or get discouraged! Afterwards, appreciate your progress, praise yourself for your regularity, and take advantage of the fact that you’ve gotten into the habit of stretching daily!